Virtual Classes

I started teaching watercolor workshops in my hometown of Dallas, TX back in February 2018. My first class sold out, and ever since then I’ve been steadily teaching more and more classes. For a long time I’ve wanted to reach more people, either by taking my classes on the road to different cities or launching online classes.


In March of this year, when COVID-19 forced us to stay home, I decided to launch virtual workshops for the first time and was overwhelmed with immediate success! Not only that, I was also surprised at how natural it felt to teach through a screen. In six weeks, I taught TWELVE online workshops — which was more workshops than I taught in my entire first year of leading workshops!


These virtual classes are so great because I can connect with people all over the world. My corporate clients love these classes because they are able to bring their remote teams into a space where they can have a shared experience. For me, I feel so connected to my purpose when I teach these classes because I get to share my love of art and what it means to me: Making art is a form of mindfulness and self care. I encourage you to give it a try!


want to know more about booking a virtual class?